Archive for February, 2014

Painting Tutorial

Posted: February 18, 2014 in Announcements








Painting Effects in Photoshop

Posted: February 18, 2014 in Announcements











Check out these Painted Images, created in Photoshop

Here’s a cool link to some dance photo special effects:


Special Effects with Text:

Posted: February 8, 2014 in Announcements

Check out this link for special effects for cool text in Photoshop:


Panorama Instructions

Posted: February 6, 2014 in Announcements


Panorama Assignment

1.     Use seven continuous pics/photos to make your panorama. Open them all in Photoshop.

2.    Use the File – Automate-Photomerge command to make the panorama. Click the Add Open Files button. Check all the check     boxes (Blend Images Together, Vignette Remover, and Geometric Distortion Correction). Then Click OK.

3.    Save files as .psd (with all the layers showing). Then choose Save As and select the  .jpeg file format.

4.    Please label as follows:



5.     After the image is flattened: Crop off the uneven edges with the Crop tool (C), Adjust Levels (Cmd + L or Ctrl + L), Sharpen using the Smart Sharpen (Filter – Sharpen – Smart Sharpen or Unsharp Mask) Try adjusting the Radius to 1 or 2 thru 5, then Clone Stamp (S) to repair areas, and use the Shadow/Highlight Filter (Image-Adjustments-Shadow/Highlight), if necessary to lighten the shadows in your photo.

Load up the two files: .psd (with all the layers) and the .jpeg (flattened) to Blackboard and your webpage.

I will be looking at creativity. Please, no panoramas of back alleyways.

Panoramas to Inspire You!

Posted: February 6, 2014 in Announcements

Here are some examples and links to some panorama sites to inspire you on your upcoming project.



Utah3D Home




Growing up, Canadian photographer Joel Robison, known on Flickr as Boy_Wonder, was always a bit of a daydreamer. Blame it on the movies he watched or the stories he read as a kid, but it caused him to look at everyday objects differently. It’s a creative direction that blended both fantasy and reality. And years later, it would lead him to a dream job in photography and become a Flickr icon!

Here’s some links to his still photography images:


Brittany's Panorama

Don’t forget to shoot your photos for your panorama project. Seven, continuous photos, at a scenic location. NO back alley way shots! Choose an appealing location, and take pics. If it is windy, lean against something, like a tree, car, table to steady the shot. Bring in your seven photos on your flash drive, or if you take them with your phone, send them to your email ahead of time, so you are ready for class.